Wednesday, July 27, 2011

US Debt is 14.3 trillion $

We often listen or read in the news how much debt a country has, and its consequences. I think i'm right if I say hardly anyone actually thinks how the debt "actually would be like". 

Today the American debt rises up to 14.3 trillion dollars. Well, artist Oto Godfrey, has decided to show us the actual look of the US debt in 100 $ bills by comparing it to buildings and machines.

You can check the visualitzation by clicking here.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Sitting is Killing You

I found this useful infopraphic from the Medical Billing and Coding while surfing the net. Spending a large amount of time seated can be really harmful according to the report.

Take a look at the complete infographic after the break

Monday, July 11, 2011

Nike "After Six"

The Swoosh brand is no stranger to making great ads. In the following, LeBron James tries to seduce "fictional girlfriend" Nicole Scherzinger with a brand new pair of sneakers, the then-new Nike Zoom LeBron VI.

Although this commercial is from 2008, but some of you might not have seen it. Interesting to see superstars from different professional paths and merge into a funny-heated up advertisement.

Let's not forget Sir Charles!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Anatomy of A Computer Virus - Stuxnet

Graphic artist Patrick Clair shows us how virus Stuxnet, the first weapon enterely made of code, was allegedly used to shut down nuclear power plants in Iran. As sci-fi as it may seem, the virus seems to be getting started.