Monday, April 11, 2011

A Time Lapse Journey Through Japan

On March 11th Japan suffered a 9.0-magnitude earthquake, the highest recorded in history. The consequences have been
disastrous, causing over 10.000 deaths, 4.000 injured and today around 15.000 people are still missing according to Japanese officials.
A month later, basic food, water supplies and batteries have disappeared from many local supermarkets or convenience stores, there are impositions from for power outages in many cities but all the attention seems to be centered at the Fukushima nuclear plant, suffering major damage and causing a partial meltdown during the quake. Radiation levels have been said to be higher than the standard ones and efforts are being made to try and avoid massive damage.

With that being said, there are still numerous people that need help, so if you want to contribute with the recovery there are several initiatives that range from donations, to music, to art, to fashion. Here are a some of them:

Red Cross
Songs for Japan Itunes album
20x200 Shinjuku print from the Jen Bekman project
One World One Heart T-Shirt from Stussy, Fragment Design and Hiroshi Fujiwara
Lady Gaga "We Pray for Japan" wristband

To remember how wonderful Japan is, this time lapse video from Brad Kremer captures a special view of a country that combines the calmness of nature and the stress of a busy city.

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